Thursday, November 23, 2006

Am I Me? or Does the noise in my mind bother u!?

ever since u told me u r leaving.. i feel am distracted... am aparted to pieces i can't even gather up the remaining parts of me... i always has this lump in my throat ... i tend to fabricate any problem to just scream and cry... i'm dreaming of how can i reach u... how can i say goodbye... i just wanna give u the holy book to save u there... i just wanna c this kind tender eyes of urs... wanna feel this shy touch of u... i know for fact that when i c u, i'll know what i have to do... do i have to just wait for u untill u feel alive again... or to just go and leave u bec am not the one for u... ohhh.. i feel so small ... so incomplete... i just want to run away... to dive deep in the dark ocean i feel inside me... it's really so strange to be deeply attracted to someone u never saw ... u just feel him... u feel he's the stranger u drew in ur imagination ... am such fool... bs telling u the truth... being fool in the prison of ur love is better that being wise outside it... miss life... miss u


Anonymous said...

:)malek ya Reham bas ..makonty kewysa :D

howa dah belzabt
"It won't last forever: we'll never stop"

:) ah yani :)

My Corner said...

wlahy ya bnty mana 3arfa...!! b3eed 3annk laf7t bard ta2reban ;o)

bs when i wrote my quote i meant the political struggle existed last year in our beloved Egypt! ;o)

hurricane_x said...
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hurricane_x said...

I can feel that !!
"it's really so strange to be deeply attracted to someone u never saw ... u just feel"
..that''s something!
ah..that political struggle in Egy seemed to be on fire ;)

الحصان الأسود said...

well to be attracted to some one you never saw is totally different, than to love some one you can see, meet, touch and talk to every day, thats why internet love is so strong and differently amazing
meanwhile it got teared into pieces on the first touch with reality, it ended up with a hell of hurt with me, maybe some time i would tell yo uthe whole story.

but to love some you never saw is another story rather than to love some one you never know, thats the new experience i am living with since a while, i'll report you the final results

loved you nice post dear, very sensitive, keep up the high spirit gurl,



Unknown said...

To love & to be loved is a great feeling, but we have to give our hearts to those who deserve it, i know it's too hard to control our feelings, but we should try :( >>> your words is really wonderful


My Corner said...

black horse

ana ma3ak.. hya fe3lan so hard.. but the hardest is to to love someone w howa mosh 7ases!!


feelings are so hard to control as u said dear..!

really it hurts so much

My Corner said...

Mr. X

it really hurts ya hurricane :(

-_- said...

nice blog