"The Mobile u have called may be switched off.. please try again later"
this is the message i hear everytime i try to call u..!!! this is unfair... i just need... and am telling u again... NEED.. to c u.. u're going to go away... i won't c u again.. why r u that inconsiderate... whenever i c u online... u tell me "u r always in my my mind"... "i wish i had a better chance to know u"... "init gad3a"..."i hope i can have a guy friend just like u"... oh u've been unfair to me.. u hurted me... why r u searching for another while am here... i know u feel u r lost... i know u r going to migrate to find urself in another place... to prove to the whole world u r creative, u r nice... but don't u believe that i deserve just a phone call to say.. hey... i'll miss u... i really can't get ur actions towards our relation... telling the truth u never told me anything... but u always tell me in another way.. NEVER tell me it's all from my own imagination... i do have mind.. i do have heart,,, i do have feelings... and i do love u!
miss life... miss u!
its so hard to have all these feelings for some one, and feel distracted that he doesn't have same.
one thing i didn't understand, you say he say on line...... "i hope i can have a guy friend just like u"...
are you talking abou the man you loved, or is it your friend or mate and she is imegrating and you feel to miss her
Warm Regards
unfortunately.. am talking about the man i love!!
i wish that no ever would pass by such feelings!
damn.. alebty 3lia mawage3 adimmmmmaaaaaa
hope u have found peace of mind by now :)
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