i've been tagged again by MC, and unfortunately i won't be able to answer such tag only bec am not such erudite.. i do read.. but u might say that most of readings are novels, romantic stories.. keda ya3ny.. one of the most nice and intresting books that i read was "The Dalai Lama Medications" it was really nice.. but then.. everything evaporates.. that's why i never rememebr what i read before.. <-- need a doctor.. huh!? :oD
do u know what.. when i read MC's answers, or when i read others' blogs, sometimes i feel so poor.. i mean spiritually..may be dunno how to express.. sometimes language stops me, other times i just can't express many barriers infront of me..ah yes.. i got it.. i feel superficial.. this is the correct exprssion.. and that's why i adore reading blogs.. bs do u know what.. i won't stop.. !!
same feeling of superficiality... that we're not so into arts and we cant write "articles" like other bloggers
but u know what ?
blogging is to write whatever u wanna write.. not to represent our pieces of work or art ... keep going.. I love ur blog and many others do so .. dont stop
sweets.. that's so nice of u (K)
who said that blogging is to show our linguistic essays and pieces of art..
it's like what batabeet said...
just say whatever comes to ur mind no matter what u think of it.
just write, cuz emotions will always find a way :)
ya salam ya Mr X.. 3ammy walahy w 3amm el awlad :D
thank u for visiting my blog!
asln i'm surprized that u've put it in ur links !!
thanks again :)
where r u ... we miss u over here!
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