Saturday, August 12, 2006

I hated myself... but u deserve so..!!

I feel bitterness, suffocated… want to cry… to scream.. u r killing urself.. u r leaving the past snap u, tearing u.. u r dieing in front of me.. u r living as dead ppl.. u r trying to smile, laugh, react with others and try to convince others u r leading a normal life.. Whenever I give myself a chance to just think that I'm only a negative person whose ... nothing…my only use in ur life is to let u think u r ok... OMG the way I shouted with u... the way I pushed unmercifully on ur weakness point that I'm the only one who knows; is because I want u to wake up... I'm fade up... I don't want u to pass through the same sequence that I've passed through my entire life, I really really feel so inhuman... so injured... so cold… so lonely... so strange between others... ppl look at me with sympathy in their eyes… as if am ya 3eeny case … JUST WAKE UP… NEVER EVER LET ANY BODY IN THIS WHOLE WORLD INFLEUENCE ON UR OWN LIFE… u r much more PRECIOUS than being broken and smashed from such story… don't u know… can't u feel that all what I've done is for ur own sake… is out of my fear on u… out of my love.. u stupid, idiot, narrow minded… retarded mind person... just dive inside u... and u know well what I mean.. u'll definitely be sure that it was only bec of my love… may be I was hard, rigid, stiff and unbearable... but it was my last way to let u know... to let u wake up… oh.. I hated myself when I pushed unmercifully but it was the only the way…


hurricane_x said...

trying to save other people from doing the same mistakes u've done b4...
I failed to do so with others,... hope u succeeded.
u've been tagged :)

My Corner said...

i'll never stop Mr.X.. specially that the one am talking about is my half!! hope she'd consider!

thanks for tagging ya fandem ;o)check my reply b2a :oD

Polka Dotted said...

well.. what a wake up
well first I thought u're sayin this to urself... And that's exactly what i wanna say to myself.. just not ready for un unmercy fight yet ...

My Corner said...

batouta.. it's not me ya babe.. i've been through this b4.. bs unfortunately ana mosh ba3taber.. bs when u see ur half passing thru the same story.. nope.. there must be a very stiff No and a very Big FULL STOP.

My Corner said...

Anytime BlackLander ...

Thanks for passing by :o)