Sunday, June 04, 2006

New Blogger

I'm really so surprised that after ..Almost 6 or 7 months used to be an audience to become one of bloggers world..
so till i got familiar with the new situation,, kindly visit my spaces to know more about me..

Thanks ;o)


SOLITUDE® said...

welcome!! :)
so we r waiting for a new active blogger!!

My Corner said...

Thanks Mohamed, I've beeen following ur comments on others' blogs :o)

I wish I'm

Mohamed Shedou محمد شدو said...

ياللا بقى ورينا النشاط

My Corner said...

Thanks for ur support Shedou.. and thanks for passing by :o)

Anonymous said...

Ricoh :D...u finally had a blog!!! welcome on board ya gamila...

My Corner said...

shofty b2a .. bs being honest what aroused me to create this blog is that i had to comment on kinda strange blogger.. bs kan lazm ab2a blogger to be allowed to comment..

anyways am so happy to be a part of my fantasy dream if i might say.. thnaks for passing by sweetest nerro.. waiting to c u always ;o)

Anonymous said...

waiting to know you better from your words.
enjoy the freedom.