Sunday, June 11, 2006

grr what a $*#!@

do I have to be fierce, rough & harsh so others would respect me! is being kind and considerable means I'm naive.. is considering others' needs and dealing kindly means am habla.. do I have to raise my voice and scream so that everybody make sure that next time he would think million times before even bothering me.. is the way of being forgiving and easy going with others makes me weak!! do I have to kid others and make fun of them and mock at them to avoid bothering me!!

NO and Thousand NO.. I'll always be me.. That's me.. I won't change for sum.. Just sum of some ppl who don't understand how to deal with others.. but I'll find a way and KIND STIFF ;o) way to let them understand and to draw their attention that they HAVE to know their own borders themselves.. or.. they have to meet the OTHER ME.. ;o)

Friday, June 09, 2006

يا ترى هل أنا.. أنا؟؟

غريبة هى النفس البشرية.. وغريبة هى رغبنتا فى الدخول والغوص فى مجاهلها رغم أننا نعلم انها كالمحيط.. أو بمعنى أوضح!! كسحر المحيط كلما نزلنا يأخذنا سحره ولانقاوم الإستمرار فى السباحة ويظل يسحبنا ويسحبنا حتى نظن أننا نحن من يسبح وأننا أصبحنا السباحون الماهرون!! وما هذا إلا وهم.. وهم كبير نحيا فيه.. رغم أننا نعلم جيداً المصاعب التى ستقابلنا خلال الرحلة.. وقد لا نعلم!! ولكن سحر التجربة يشدنا دائماً ولا تهم النتيجة! المهم هو أن المجهول دائما هو لغز يشدنا لحله رغم خوفنا منه ولكن شغفنا لمعرفة ما هيته اقوى بكثير من الخوف من خوض هذه التجربة..

Sunday, June 04, 2006

New Blogger

I'm really so surprised that after ..Almost 6 or 7 months used to be an audience to become one of bloggers world..
so till i got familiar with the new situation,, kindly visit my spaces to know more about me..

Thanks ;o)